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02-20-13 Memorial Fund Cmte
Newtown Parks and recreation Memorial Gifts Ad Hoc Sub-Committee Meeting

Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 3:30 PM, Conference Room, Town Hall South

Present:  Rich Boritz, Jan Brookes, Maureen Crick Owen, Amy Mangold

Chairman Boritz called the meeting to order at 3:05 PM.  The committee approved the minutes of February 12, 2013 meeting.

Committee Reports

Rich Boritz reported that he had responded to the following offers of donations:
  • Suggested to a woman who wants to hold a fishing tournament for 6 to 9 year olds in Newtown that she consider incorporating it as part of the Newtown summer camp experience.  He gave her name to RoseAnn Reggiano for follow-up.
  • Talked with Professor August Hoffman at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, MN, who studies the impact of community service work in community gardens, about planting trees by his students this summer at the Victory Garden.  Mr. Boritz will forward the email from Dr. Hoffman to Mrs. Mangold to send on to Rob Sibley at Land Use.
  • Contacted Steve Burns about 11,000 tulip bulbs.  Since most of the bulbs had sprouted before the town could plant them, Mr. Burns gave them away.  Mrs. Mangold believes that it’s important to stay in contact with Mr. Burns as he has national contacts with other landscapers.
  • Reported that the Girls Softball Coaches Association will be donating $100 to P & R.
  • Said that Pam Cole will donate memory bracelets made from Lucite to Healing Newtown.
  • Received an email from Faith Wiener.  She said that CVS will donate when P & R is ready.  Mrs. Mangold said that she will send Mrs. Wiener a list of P & R projects for CVS’s consideration.
Mrs. Owen reported that she continues to work a few hours a week in-putting offers of donations on the P & R database, and sending out thank you notes.

Mrs. Brookes continues to be in contact with Paul Genna about donations of features for a splash pad.

Mrs. Mangold reported that she and RoseAnn Reggiano had attended a meeting with Pete D’Amico, owner of the Newtown Youth Academy.  Mr. D’Amico has created a master plan for the Fairfield Hills campus that he will present to the Fairfield Hills Authority.  If that plan is adopted, it will have a major impact on several P & R fields.  Mr. Marks will attend the FFHA meeting to explain the impact on P & R.

Director Mangold reported that offers of donations still come in, although at a slower pace. She still sees the need for follow-up calls by the committee.

New Business

Sub-committee members made revisions to the proposed donation policy and the donation form.  Mrs. Owen will revise both before the March P & R meeting.  The committee will ask Chairman Marks to include the proposed donation policy and form on the March agenda for discussion and possible action.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Brookes - Secretary